Saying thank you for our blessings
Christmas means many things for all of us, but the one thing we all have in common over this time is that we realise how much we have to be thankful for.
Simply Favours had an exceptionally good year and we would like to thank each and everyone of you for your support during 2013. We always quote Alfred Painter who said: “Saying thank you is more than good manners. It is good spirituality”. We realised this once again this December when we took little favours to an orphanage nearby our warehouse.
We sprayed our wire boxes and added some glitter, filled them with delicious sweets and gave one to each child. They were ecstatic and their eyes lit up with excitement, smiling from ear to ear. Our spirits truly got rejuvenated and we feel so blessed that we could bring some happiness into their lives, how ever small our gifts may have been.
These are the same children to whom you all donated blankets this winter and they really crawled deep into our hearts this year. We hope that we will always be able to bring some form of joy or comfort to them and that they will grow up to show the same love and care to others one day. May you have a wonderful Christmas and appreciate your family and all your blessings once more. Love,